Improving processes with artificial intelligence

20 - 45
Machine Learning

This pack contains questions that will make you look at artificial inteligence features that can be implemented. This will enable you to think about relevant solutions that will affect the future of how your product works.

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Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

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Improving processes with artificial intelligence

What if it built trust?

Think about building a relationship that people can rely on.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

What if it created a sense of control?

Think about making people feel they are safe and in control. Let them know they’ll get what they’re looking for.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

What if it could look around corners?

Think about how it could calculate and offer different contexts according to diverse inputs. For example, it could show you how a decision could affect you in the future.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

What if it could fix misunderstandings?

Think about detecting confusing situations and solving them.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

What if it could follow trails?

Think about tracing the origin of problems. Or use it to track processes.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

What if it corrected errors?

Think about detecting common mistakes. Like a grammar service that corrects you automatically.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

What if it custom-built things for every person?

Think about personalising something for individual users. Take their context into account. Use a person’s tastes to find the right fit.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

What if it mastered something difficult for humans?

Think about training an intelligent system. We, humans, learn slowly, but a computer can quickly figure out how to beat human chess players.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

What if it helped people focus?

Think about helping people to concentrate instead of distracting them. Use an intelligent system to reduce unnecessary noise.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

What if it learned from humans in real time?

Think about having a system that can learn by watching people do the job first. Get it to analyse how we behave and solve problems.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

What if it optimised a process?

Think about automating a repetitive task.

1 of 7
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Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Improving processes with artificial intelligence

¿Y si rastreara procesos?

Piensa en identificar rastros y en seguir procesos de funcionamiento para hallar el origen de los problemas.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

¿Y si dominara una tarea difícil para los humanos?

Piensa en entrenar a un sistema inteligente. Los humanos aprendemos lentamente, pero un ordenador puede averiguar rápidamente cómo vencer a cualquier jugador de ajedrez.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

¿Y si corrigiera los errores?

Piensa en detectar errores comunes, como un servicio de corrección ortográfica que te revisa el texto automáticamente.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

¿Y si transmitiera confianza?

Piensa en establecer una relación con los usuarios en la que puedan confiar.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

¿Y si ayudara a las personas a concentrarse?

Piensa en hacer que las personas se concentren en lugar de distraerse. Crea un sistema que reduzca el ruido innecesario.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

¿Y si estuviera personalizado para cada usuario?

Piensa en hacerlo a partir del contexto del usuario y usando los gustos de la persona para adaptarlo.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

¿Y si pudiera ver las cosas desde perspectivas diferentes?

Piensa en cómo podría calcular y ofrecer resultados según la información que recibe. Por ejemplo, podría mostrarte cómo podría afectarte una decisión en el futuro.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

¿Y si creara una sensación de control?

Piensa en hacer que las personas se sientan seguras y que controlan la situación. Hazles saber que obtendrán lo que buscan.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

¿Y si optimizara un proceso?

Piensa en automatizar una tarea repetitiva.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

¿Y si aprendiera de los humanos a tiempo real?

Piensa en disponer de un sistema que pueda aprender por análisis y repetición. Que analice cómo actúan y resuelven los problemas las personas.

Improving processes with artificial intelligence

¿Y si pudiera aclarar malentendidos?

Piensa en detectar situaciones confusas y resolverlas.

1 of 7
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