Unexpected Resources for Your Project

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This pack contains a selection of interesting and frequently not-used elements, thoughts, resources and angles for solving your challenge. You can use them to create concepts, innovation ideas, communication campaigns and visual projects.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

Get first question
Unexpected Resources for Your Project

What if the idea made some people hate you?

Think about an idea that annoys people. It has to be radical. It has to make a big statement.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

What if the idea grew bigger every time someone used it?

Think about creating a snowball effect. The more people join your idea, the bigger and more complete it will get.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

What if you brought up taboo subjects?

Think about issues people avoid speaking about and which are never in spotlight. Make them the center of the conversation.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

What if the idea was infinite?

Think about creating something that never ends.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

What if the idea was about procrastination?

Think about wasting time. Kittens, gifs, GoT spoilers... We don’t need to be productive all the time.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

What if you leaked important information?

Think about revealing secrets. WikiLeaks style.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

What if you made art with your problem?

Think about ways of generating something beautiful or intriguing. Maybe it’s a new kind of art.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

What if you played with people’s senses?

Think about fooling your audience with tricky visual effects, sounds and even smells.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

What if the idea was impossible?

Think about creating something unrealistic. Make that a positive thing. Or maybe promise people a far-away vision that will blow their minds.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

What if you used mistakes in your favour?

Think about mistakes in a positive way. Imperfection, errors and misleadings. Use them to your benefit.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

What if the idea was bipolar?

Think about creating a contradicting personality for your idea. It would switch between extremes. It would be unpredictable and unclassifiable.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

What if you took inspiration from something retro?

Think about simpler times.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

What if the idea was like Beyoncé?

Think about her. She is Queen B.

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Here are some other packs you might like.

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Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Unexpected Resources for Your Project

¿Y si la idea tratara de procrastinar?

Piensa en perder el tiempo. Gatitos, gifs, spoilers de Juego de Tronos... No tenemos por qué ser productivos todo el tiempo.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

¿Y si la idea hiciera que algunas personas te odien?

Piensa en una idea que suscite irritación. Tienes que ser radical, lanzar un mensaje revolucionario.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

¿Y si la idea fuera infinita?

Piensa en crear algo que no se acabe nunca.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

¿Y si la idea fuera imposible?

Piensa en crear algo que sea poco realista y que eso sea algo positivo. O muestra una realidad muy remota, pero fascinante.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

¿Y si la idea fuera bipolar?

Piensa en crear una idea con una personalidad contradictoria. Que pase de un extremo al otro. Que sea impredecible e inclasificable.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

¿Y si trataras temas tabú?

Piensa en temas que las personas evitan o que nunca salen a la luz. Consigue que sean temas candentes.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

¿Y si la idea creciera cada vez que alguien la usa?

Piensa en el efecto bola de nieve. Cuantas más personas participen en la idea, mayor y más completa será.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

¿Y si jugaras con los sentidos?

Piensa en utilizar efectos visuales, sonidos, incluso olores para confundir al público.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

¿Y si utilizaras las imperfecciones a tu favor?

Piensa en los errores de una forma positiva. Puedes usar las imperfecciones, los errores y los desaciertos en beneficio propio.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

¿Y si la idea fuera como Beyoncé?

Piensa en ella, por algo la llaman “Queen B”.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

¿Y si hicieras arte con el problema?

Piensa en formas de producir algo bello o atractivo. Quizá crees una nueva forma de arte.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

¿Y si filtraras información importante?

Piensa en desvelar secretos. Al estilo WikiLeaks.

Unexpected Resources for Your Project

¿Y si te inspiraras en algo retro?

Piensa en cuando las cosas eran más sencillas.

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Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

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