Awareness Campaigns

12 - 30

This pack contains prompts that will give you the headspace to come up with the best ideas to create awarness for your business/message. They will guide you to think about aspects that really matter for your consumer.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

Get first question
Awareness Campaigns

What if you challenged people’s beliefs?

Think about changing the mind of people by questioning a common belief. Show ways of convincing them.

Awareness Campaigns

What if the idea had to scale globally?

Think about a solution that can be applied anywhere. Pack it universally.

Awareness Campaigns

What if you used influencers?

Think about including social media stars in your idea. Use them to spread the word or increase your reputation.

Awareness Campaigns

What if you encouraged people to think differently?

Think about giving value to individuality. Help your target group to build their own personality and to not get influenced by others.

Awareness Campaigns

What if you used quotes?

Think about inspirational sentences from famous people. Use them to impress your audience.

Awareness Campaigns

What if you had to impress people?

Think about a wow factor. Make them speechless.

Awareness Campaigns

What if the idea was about kindness?

Think about being nice and spreading love around the world with your idea.

Awareness Campaigns

What if the value lied in the content?

Think about creating relevant content for your audience. From stories to think pieces and editorials. Everything that could be useful for them.

Awareness Campaigns

What if the idea was collaborative?

Think about ways of solving your problem by connecting with other people. Involve other parties.

Awareness Campaigns

What if you used a serious tone of voice?

Think about ways of solving your problem with a very formal attitude. Everything has to be strict and correct.

Awareness Campaigns

What if you approached the problem emotionally?

Think about how to add a lot of deep feelings to the way you solve the problem. Everything is a drama.

Awareness Campaigns

What if the idea answered questions?

Think about doubts that arise from your problem or from life in general. Help resolving them.

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End session

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Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Awareness Campaigns

¿Y si usaras influencers?

Piensa en involucrar a famosos de las redes sociales. Úsalos para hacer correr la voz o incrementar tu reputación.

Awareness Campaigns

¿Y si el valor recayera en el contenido?

Piensa en crear información relevante para tu audiencia: historias, ensayos, editoriales... Cualquier tipo de contenido que sea útil para ellos.

Awareness Campaigns

¿Y si cuestionaras las creencias de la gente?

Piensa en cambiar la mentalidad de la gente cuestionando una creencia popular. Encuentra formas de convencerles.

Awareness Campaigns

¿Y si la idea se basara en la amabilidad?

Piensa en ser agradable y propagar el amor por el mundo.

Awareness Campaigns

¿Y si dejaras a la gente impresionada?

Piensa en el factor sorpresa. Déjales sin palabras.

Awareness Campaigns

¿Y si ayudaras a las personas a pensar por sí mismas?

Piensa en poner en valor la individualidad. Ayuda a tu público a desarrollar su propia personalidad y a no dejarse influenciar por otros.

Awareness Campaigns

¿Y si la solución fuera emocional?

Piensa en cómo añadir emociones profundas a tu solución. Todo es un drama.

Awareness Campaigns

¿Y si usaras un tono de voz serio?

Piensa en adoptar una actitud muy formal, estricta y correcta.

Awareness Campaigns

¿Y si usaras frases de otros?

Piensa en usar citas inspiradoras de gente famosa. Úsalas para llegar a tu público.

Awareness Campaigns

¿Y si la idea fuera colaborativa?

Piensa en formas de resolver tu problema apoyándote en otros. Alíate con más gente.

Awareness Campaigns

¿Y si la idea funcionara a escala global?

Piensa en una solución que se pueda aplicar en cualquier país, que sea universal.

Awareness Campaigns

¿Y si la idea resolviera dudas?

Piensa en preguntas que pudieran surgir de tu problema o de la vida en general. Ayuda a resolverlas.

1 of 7
Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

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