Design the tone of your brand name

12 - 30

This pack contains prompts that will give you the headspace to come up with the best ideas to create an impactful tone of voice for your name. An succesful name needs to express it self in the most coherent way and this pack with make you achive this.

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Design the tone of your brand name

What if you create an acronym?

Think about condensing your message into a set of letters. Like “IBM”, which stands for “International Business Machines”.

Design the tone of your brand name

What if it was extremely long?

Think about extending the length of a word or using a lengthy sentence.

Design the tone of your brand name

What if it was very abstract?

Think about going conceptual and vague. Create an air of mystery.

Design the tone of your brand name

What if it sounded corporate?

Think about making it sound businesslike.

Design the tone of your brand name

What if you used a common expression?

Think about appropriating an everyday expression. Things like “Welcome Home”, or “Please To Meet You” could work nicely for a hotel brand.

Design the tone of your brand name

What if it was slang?

Think about using a trendy term used by youngsters. Although you’d best look up all its different meanings in Urban Dictionary. You don’t want to misuse a term.

Design the tone of your brand name

What if it sounded like a whisper?

Think about adding some mystery. A name you instinctively read in small caps in a low voice.

Design the tone of your brand name

What if it had rhythm?

Think about using phonemes that give the name some cadence. Like “Big Black Book”.

Design the tone of your brand name

What if it had one letter missing?

Think about using a common word and taking away one of its letters. That way, you can personalise it and make it yours. Like the ticketing company “TKTS” did.

Design the tone of your brand name

What if it had a strong voice?

Think about being bold and aggressive. Don’t be afraid to be seen. Use caps. Take as much space as you want.

Design the tone of your brand name

What if you turned a word into a verb?

Think about changing a noun into an action. For example, you could use “Chairing” for a furniture company name. Ok, maybe not the greatest name, but you know what I mean.

Design the tone of your brand name

What if it had symmetry?

Think about using a name that you can read in different directions. Oysho uses this tactic, as you can still read the same word if you flip it horizontally.

Design the tone of your brand name

What if you made it very direct?

Think about SEO and market positioning. If you are first in the industry, you can use the most generic word for it, putting you at the top of the list.

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Design the tone of your brand name

¿Y si fuera muy abstracto?

Piensa en algo conceptual e indefinido. Crea un halo de misterio.

Design the tone of your brand name

¿Y si sonara como un susurro?

Piensa en añadir algo de misterio. Un nombre que se lea instintivamente en minúsculas y con una voz suave.

Design the tone of your brand name

¿Y si usaras una expresión habitual?

Piensa en apropiarte de una frase común. Fórmulas como “Estás en tu casa” o “Encantados de conocerte” funcionarían para cadenas de hoteles.

Design the tone of your brand name

¿Y si fuera un acrónimo?

Piensa en resumir tu mensaje en un conjunto de letras, como IBM, que significa “Máquinas para negocios internacionales”, por sus siglas en inglés.

Design the tone of your brand name

¿Y si fuera coloquial?

Piensa en un término moderno que usen los jóvenes. Comprueba antes sus diferentes significados en Internet para evitar sorpresas desagradables.

Design the tone of your brand name

¿Y si le faltara una letra?

Piensa en usar una palabra común y quitarle letras. De esta manera, puedes personalizarla y hacerla propia, como hizo la empresa de entradas TKTS.

Design the tone of your brand name

¿Y si sonara corporativo?

Piensa en darle un toque burocrático.

Design the tone of your brand name

¿Y si fuera muy directo?

Piensa en el posicionamiento en buscadores y en el mercado. Si eres el primero de tu sector, puedes usar la palabra más genérica de manera que te convierta en el referente principal.

Design the tone of your brand name

¿Y si verbalizaras un sustantivo?

Piensa en transformar un nombre común en una acción. Por ejemplo, poner “Estanteriar” a una empresa de muebles. (Vale, no es el mejor nombre, es la idea lo que cuenta.)

Design the tone of your brand name

¿Y si tuviera cierta simetría?

Piensa en utilizar un nombre que pueda leerse en varias direcciones. Como Oysho, que se lee igual aunque le des la vuelta.

Design the tone of your brand name

¿Y si tuviera una voz fuerte?

Piensa en algo atrevido y agresivo. No te escondas. Usa mayúsculas. Usa todo el espacio que quieras.

Design the tone of your brand name

¿Y si fuera muy muy largo?

Piensa en expandir la longitud de una palabra o usar una frase larga.

Design the tone of your brand name

¿Y si tuviera ritmo?

Piensa en usar fonemas que den cadencia al nombre, como Tintoretto.

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