Introducing sustainable processes

12 - 30
Planet Centric

The quesitions on this pack will help you desiphering your process and the ways you can contribute into makeing it more planet-friendly. The way a product is made can reveal so many oportunities for brand.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

Get first question
Introducing sustainable processes

What if it created value for local communities?

Think about a way you could involve the people around you. Give them a role in the project.

Introducing sustainable processes

What if your manufacturers were part of the business?

Think about having a close relationship with your manufacturers. Maybe they could be part of the business and even be given shares.

Introducing sustainable processes

What if you cut emissions to the minimum?

Think about ways of reducing your CO2 emissions. Grow locally, ship from nearby locations and use clean energy.

Introducing sustainable processes

What if the idea supported an environmental organisation?

Think about giving part of your profits or time to a green NGO. Don’t do it to avoid the responsibility of your actions, but as an act of generosity.

Introducing sustainable processes

What if you produced only the necessary?

Think about changing your process to produce only the exact number of copies you need. Run surveys before launching. Create on demand. Don’t produce large numbers just because it’s cheaper.

Introducing sustainable processes

What if you took care of the recycling process?

Think about a system where only you could recycle what you produce. Create an easy way to return your products.

Introducing sustainable processes

What if you offered life-long support?

Think about having a repairing process as part of your idea. Let people know you’ll always take care of the product.

Introducing sustainable processes

What if it benefited everyone involved?

Think about creating good living standards for everyone you employ or that works on the project. And not just in terms of money, but also considering people’s mental and physical health.

Introducing sustainable processes

What if it played aroleinan ecosystem?

Think about making your idea compatible with other systems and brands. Don’t create closed circles that make people dependent.

Introducing sustainable processes

What if you controlled the whole process?

Think about acknowledging every single part of your production process. Don’t leave things to third-party players who won’t guarantee fair practices.

Introducing sustainable processes

What if you’re open about your production processes?

Think about being 100% transparent with your processes and production. Don’t hide important information about your project.

1 of 7
End session

You reached the end of the session!

Here are some other packs you might like.

Creating a new consumption mindset

Think about how to change the consumers perspective

Ways to communicate your story

The pack that will help you explore different comunication styles

Positive Messaging

Discover a new optimistic focus

Defining Your Brand Vision

These prompts will help you look at your brand in a holistic way
Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Introducing sustainable processes

¿Y si solo produjeras lo necesario?

Piensa en modificar tus procesos de producción para solo crear la cantidad necesaria de copias. Haz encuestas previas al lanzamiento o crea lo justo para cubrir la demanda. No produzcas más cantidad solo por abaratar costes.

Introducing sustainable processes

¿Y si tuvieras un papel dentro de un ecosistema?

Piensa en hacer que tu idea sea compatible con otros sistemas y marcas. No crees sistemas cerrados que acaben generando dependencia.

Introducing sustainable processes

¿Y si te encargaras del proceso de reciclaje?

Piensa que solo tú puedes reciclar lo que produces. Idea una forma sencilla para que los productos usados te lleguen de vuelta.

Introducing sustainable processes

¿Y si beneficiara a todos los involucrados?

Piensa en crear unos estándares adecuados para todos tus empleados y los terceros que trabajen en el proyecto. No te limites al ámbito económico, piensa también en la salud física y mental.

Introducing sustainable processes

¿Y si mostraras su origen?

Piensa en hacer que tu producción y sus procesos sean totalmente transparentes. No ocultes información importante.

Introducing sustainable processes

¿Y si diera voz a las comunidades locales?

Piensa en la forma de involucrar a los que te rodean, haz que formen parte del proyecto.

Introducing sustainable processes

¿Y si la idea apoyara a una organización medio- ambiental?

Piensa en donar parte de tus beneficios o de tu tiempo a una ONG que luche por el medio ambiente.

Introducing sustainable processes

¿Y si ofrecieras asistencia de por vida?

Piensa en incluir el proceso de reparación dentro de tu idea. Haz que las personas sepan que siempre vas a cuidar del producto.

Introducing sustainable processes

¿Y si redujeras las emisiones al mínimo?

Piensa en cómo reducir tus emisiones de CO2. Utiliza recursos locales, distribuye desde almacenes cercanos y recurre a energías limpias.

Introducing sustainable processes

¿Y si controlaras todo el proceso?

Piensa en controlar cada una de las partes de tu proceso de producción. No dejes que nada caiga en manos de terceros que, posiblemente, no garanticen unas prácticas sostenibles.

Introducing sustainable processes

¿Y si tus fabricantes fueran parte del negocio?

Piensa en tener una relación cercana con tus fabricantes. Podrían ser parte de tu organización o incluso poseer acciones de la misma.

1 of 7
Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

Possible formats for your project

Explore the different technology that can shift product course

Using different types of data

Prompts that aim to make you think abour data possibilities

Explore Surprising Formats for Your Idea

Take advantage of new ways of communication

Using social behaviours in your favour.

Connect and appeal with consumer behaviours
Empezar de nuevo