Strategies to create an attractive name

20 - 40

This pack contains ideas to help with the ultimate strategies for name generation. The questions of this deck will also guide you to think about how to make these attractive for your user.

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Strategies to create an attractive name

What if it was a question?

Think about asking something suggestive that makes your audience wonder. It’s not the most common naming strategy, but brands like “Guess?” use it.

Strategies to create an attractive name

What if you used the most common term in the sector?

Think about referencing something your audience understands completely. Take advantage of that familiarity.

Strategies to create an attractive name

What if you made a character?

Think about making your project feel like a person or a mascot. Like an Apple repair shop called “Doctor Apple”.

Strategies to create an attractive name

What if it was a foreign word?

Think about the feeling associated with other languages and choose one that goes with your values. That’s probably why all perfumes use French words.

Strategies to create an attractive name

What if your naming strategy was the opposite of your competitors’?

Think about looking to differentiate yourself from the rest. Go emotional if they tend to use cold and rational names.

Strategies to create an attractive name

What if it was foul- mouthed?

Think about overlooking politeness. This is your chance to be rude.

Strategies to create an attractive name

What if it contained a language mistake?

Think about misspelling a word on purpose. Don’t let a bit of dyslexia get in the way of a good name.

Strategies to create an attractive name

What if it was a headline?

Think about giving it a journalistic feeling. Imagine you have to sum up your project in a very short paragraph.

Strategies to create an attractive name

What if it was unpro- nounceable?

Think about using complexity to your advantage. Ironically, it could help people remember you. That’s what “Schweppes” probably thought.

Strategies to create an attractive name

What if the name was the benefit?

Think about using the expected result of using your product/service as its name. I bet there are food and gym chains called “Feel Good”.

Strategies to create an attractive name

What if it was a riddle?

Think about partly describing your product/service as if your audience had to guess what it is.

Strategies to create an attractive name

What if it was an affirmation?

Think about giving a sense of being self-assured. Like Obama did with his famous tagline: “Yes, We Can”.

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Strategies to create an attractive name

¿Y si fuera un titular?

Piensa en darle un toque periodístico. Imagina que tienes que resumir tu proyecto en una frase muy muy corta.

Strategies to create an attractive name

¿Y si fuera lo opuesto a la competencia?

Piensa en diferenciarte del resto. Si tus competidores usan nombres fríos y racionales, sé más emocional.

Strategies to create an attractive name

¿Y si tuviera un error ortográfico?

Piensa en escribir una palabra mal a propósito. Que no te dé miedo añadir un toque de dislexia.

Strategies to create an attractive name

¿Y si fuera una adivinanza?

Piensa en describir tu producto/ servicio de forma que el público tenga que descubrir de qué se trata.

Strategies to create an attractive name

¿Y si fuera una pregunta?

Piensa en formular una pregunta sugerente para intrigar al público. Es una estrategia poco común, pero marcas como Guess? la han usado.

Strategies to create an attractive name

¿Y si fuera una palabra extranjera?

Piensa en los conceptos asociados a otros idiomas y elige uno que se corresponda con tus valores. Como ocurre con los perfumes cuando usan el francés.

Strategies to create an attractive name

¿Y si crearas un personaje?

Piensa en hacer que tu proyecto sea una persona o mascota, como una tienda de reparación de Apple que se llame Doctor Apple.

Strategies to create an attractive name

¿Y si el nombre fuera la prestación?

Piensa en utilizar el resultado esperado de tu producto/servicio como el nombre. Seguro que hay algún gimnasio que se llama “Corpore sano”.

Strategies to create an attractive name

¿Y si no tuviera pelos en la lengua?

Piensa en dejar la cortesía a un lado. Es el momento de sacar el lado canalla.

Strategies to create an attractive name

¿Y si usaras el término más común del sector?

Piensa en hacer referencia a algo que el público conozca a la perfección. Aprovecha esa familiaridad.

Strategies to create an attractive name

¿Y si fuera impronunciable?

Piensa en usar su complejidad a tu favor. Irónicamente, podría ayudar a que las personas lo acordarán. Es, probablemente, lo que hizo Schweppes.

Strategies to create an attractive name

¿Y si fuera una afirmación?

Piensa en transmitir la impresión de estar seguro de algo, como hizo Obama con su famoso lema “Yes, we can” [Sí, podemos].

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