Improving people experiences

20 - 35
Human Centric

This pack contains prompts that will help you create new instances that will improve the way your user interacts with you.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

Get first question
Improving people experiences

What if the idea was only suitable for one person?

Think about how you would target only one person in the world.

Improving people experiences

What if the idea reduced unnecessary noise?

Think about bringing some peace and quiet. We are constantly bombed with ads, information and content. Let everyone rest.

Improving people experiences

What if the idea had to be useful?

Think about what your target audience’s needs are. Think how your solution could address those needs.

Improving people experiences

What if the idea supported outsiders?

Think about integrating people from the margins of society. It can be a social idea, something that would make an impact.

Improving people experiences

What if the access to information was key?

Think about compiling important content for your audience. Present it in an accessible way.

Improving people experiences

What if the idea entertained?

Think about offering a good time. It’s all about leisure.

Improving people experiences

What if the idea helped people express their opinion?

Think about being a platform for people’s opinions. Make them feel that someone is listening to them.

Improving people experiences

What if the idea helped people explore the world?

Think about ways of showing other places and perspectives. Satisfy people’s curiosity.

Improving people experiences

What if the idea reduced the amount of options for people?

Think about giving less options instead of more. Reduce the stress of choosing. Make it extremely simple.

Improving people experiences

What if your audience had very little time to focus?

Think about how to get the best out of their short attention span. Make the idea fast and effective.

Improving people experiences

What if you gave importance to user benefits?

Think about focusing on just what your audience would want. Economic and corporate goals will come later.

1 of 7
End session

You reached the end of the session!

Here are some other packs you might like.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

Design a name that your user will never forget

Personal Development

Reflect on your growth and development.

Improving people experiences

Think about the entire experience and humanize it

Taking your idea into different situations

Translate your ideas into unimaginable scenarios
Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Improving people experiences

¿Y si la idea eliminara distracciones innecesarias?

Piensa en cómo traer paz y tranquilidad. Crea un espacio para descansar, lejos del bombardeo continuo de información, contenido y anuncios.

Improving people experiences

¿Y si dieras importancia al beneficio de los usuarios?

Piensa en centrarte solo en lo que tu audiencia realmente quiere y necesita. Los objetivos económicos y corporativos vendrán después.

Improving people experiences

¿Y si ayudaras a las personas a expresar su opinión?

Piensa en crear una plataforma que permita a los usuarios dar su opinión. Hazles sentir que alguien les escucha.

Improving people experiences

¿Y si redujeras el número de opciones disponibles?

Piensa en reducir el abanico de opciones en lugar de aumentarlo. Minimiza el estrés que provoca escoger. Haz que decidir sea muy fácil.

Improving people experiences

¿Y si tu público no pudiera dedicarte mucho tiempo?

Piensa en cómo sacarle el máximo partido a la poca atención que puedan dedicarte. Haz que tu idea sea rápida y efectiva.

Improving people experiences

¿Y si ayudaras a la gente a explorar el mundo?

Piensa en formas de mostrar otros lugares y perspectivas. Satisface la curiosidad de las personas.

Improving people experiences

¿Y si la idea funcionara solo para una persona?

Piensa en cómo crear una idea que sea aplicable solo para una persona de la población mundial.

Improving people experiences

¿Y si la idea tuviera que ser útil?

Piensa en las necesidades de tu público objetivo. Resuelve sus carencias con una idea útil.

Improving people experiences

¿Y si ayudaras a personas marginadas?

Piensa en integrar a personas poco integradas en la sociedad. Desarrolla una idea con trasfondo social, algo que tenga un impacto real.

Improving people experiences

¿Y si la idea fuera entretenida?

Piensa en divertir. Lo importante es pasar un buen rato, disfrutar del tiempo de ocio.

Improving people experiences

¿Y si el acceso a la información fuera la clave?

Piensa en agrupar los datos importantes para tu público objetivo y preséntalos de forma accesible.

1 of 7
Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

Using different types of data

Prompts that aim to make you think abour data possibilities

Giving a purpose to technology

Find new ways to give purpose to existing technology

Design the tone of your brand name

Find ways to discover the tone of voice of your name

Mechanisms to attract your audience

Find unique ways get people involved in your project
Empezar de nuevo