Product Or Service Purpose

20 - 45
Human Centric

This pack contains questions that will make you reflect on the human aspects of your product or service. Enable your user to reach their deams and potential with your offering.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

Get first question
Product Or Service Purpose

What if you connected strangers with each other?

Think about making random connections between people that don’t know each other.

Product Or Service Purpose

What if the idea helped people learn something?

Think about a useful and educational solution. Give your audience new wisdom.

Product Or Service Purpose

What if you helped people achieve their dreams?

Think about your audience’s dreams and give them tools and/or hope to achieve them.

Product Or Service Purpose

What if the idea let people share?

Think about empowering users to share knowledge, passion and other things they care about.

Product Or Service Purpose

What if the idea was a way to earn extra money?

Think about creating new ways of revenue for people. It could be pocket money, but hey! Money is money.

Product Or Service Purpose

What if the idea used people’s fears?

Think about all the things people worry about. You can use the fears to your advantage, expose or help your audience to overcome them.

Product Or Service Purpose

What if the idea created more free time for people?

Think about helping people manage their agenda better.

Product Or Service Purpose

What if the idea helped people create?

Think about empowering their creativity and unleashing their alternative thinking.

Product Or Service Purpose

What if your idea helped save money?

Think about making something more efficient. Or just help people manage their money more wisely.

Product Or Service Purpose

What if you built consciousness?

Think about making everyone realise the value of things. Teach them about the consequences of their actions.

Product Or Service Purpose

What if the idea improved health?

Think about a solution that could benefit your audience’s health. It could be giving them tools or information.

1 of 7
End session

You reached the end of the session!

Here are some other packs you might like.

Challenges and Learnings

Discuss challenges and lessons learned.

Ways of Monetising You Project

The pack to start thinking about monetisation

Reflecting on Achievements

Consider the impact of achievements.

Increase conversion rate

Find ways to think to power conversions
Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Product Or Service Purpose

¿Y si ayudaras a las personas a conseguir sus sueños?

Piensa en los deseos de tu audiencia y dale las herramientas y la esperanza para que los cumplan.

Product Or Service Purpose

¿Y si conectaras a personas desconocidas?

Piensa en poner en contacto al azar a personas que no se conocen.

Product Or Service Purpose

¿Y si la idea creara tiempo libre para las personas?

Piensa en ayudar a la gente a gestionar mejor su agenda.

Product Or Service Purpose

¿Y si hicieras que la gente aprendiera?

Piensa en una solución que sea útil y educativa. Dale nuevos conocimientos a tu audiencia.

Product Or Service Purpose

¿Y si crearas una forma de ganar dinero extra?

Piensa en formas nuevas de que la gente obtenga ingresos, aunque no sea mucho. Algo es algo.

Product Or Service Purpose

¿Y si usaras los miedos de las personas?

Piensa en las cosas que las personas temen. Puedes usar sus miedos en tu favor. Ayúdales a superarlos.

Product Or Service Purpose

¿Y si la idea creara conciencia?

Piensa en cómo hacer que las personas sepan valorar las cosas. Enséñales las consecuencias de sus actos.

Product Or Service Purpose

¿Y si la idea fuera buena para la salud?

Piensa en una solución que pueda mejorar la salud de las personas. Podrías darles herramientas o información.

Product Or Service Purpose

¿Y si ayudaras a ahorrar dinero?

Piensa en hacer un proceso más eficiente. Por ejemplo, podrías ayudar a las personas a manejar su dinero de forma más inteligente.

Product Or Service Purpose

¿Y si ayudaras a la gente a crear?

Piensa en cómo avivar su creatividad interior y desencadenar ideas alternativas.

Product Or Service Purpose

¿Y si facilitaras que la gente comparta?

Piensa en cómo empoderar a las personas para que compartan su conocimiento, sus pasiones o aspectos que consideren importantes.

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Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

Finding New Business Models

Explore different ways your business can operate

Art Direction Ideas

Discover ways to present your final pieces

Simplify your conversion strategy

Prompts that will help you think about simplifying your conversion process

User Experience Ideas for Services

Put the user on the centre with this pack for services
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