Strategies to add value to your design

12 - 30
Graphic Design

This pack contains prompts that will make you think about strategy when it comes to your final design. Attract a certain user, produce your elements faster or find a way to show your design everywhere.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

Get first question
Strategies to add value to your design

What if you added a sensorial element?

Think about adding textures, emotions or even simulate a smell.

Strategies to add value to your design

What if you enjoyed the process?

Think about enjoying making it. Try something you always wanted to test.

Strategies to add value to your design

What if you made it institutional?

Think about using a bureaucratic aesthetic. Everything has to be strict, formal, and plain.

Strategies to add value to your design

What if it were a character?

Think about giving it the look of a person or a cartoon. Create a mascot, a face, or an emoji.

Strategies to add value to your design

What if you created a visual trick?

Think about op-art. Make illusions with your design.

Strategies to add value to your design

What if everything was flat?

Think about using vector only, like Google illustrations and design—no effects or shades.

Strategies to add value to your design

What if you couldn't use the computer?

Think about how would you solve your project without using any software.

Strategies to add value to your design

What if it were all about the concept?

Think about making a pure graphic translation of the concept. Make it intellectual.

Strategies to add value to your design

What if you mixed it all?

Think about combining everything. Create chaos with it.

Strategies to add value to your design

What if you used repetition?

Think about series. Copy and paste the same pattern/elements throughout the whole format.

Strategies to add value to your design

What if you divide the format into multiple pieces?

Think about a design that jumps from one piece to the other, like a poster made out of many posters.

Strategies to add value to your design

What if you deliberately tried to confuse the viewer?

Think about creating a weird feeling. Make people look twice before they understand what they are seeing.

1 of 7
End session

You reached the end of the session!

Here are some other packs you might like.

Using emotions to transmit your essence

Learn ways to translate essence and emotion in your naming

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Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Strategies to add value to your design

¿Y si crearas una ilusión óptica?

Piensa en el op art. Crea efectos que engañen a la vista.

Strategies to add value to your design

¿Y si no usaras el ordenador?

Piensa en cómo llevarías a cabo tu proyecto sin utilizar programas informáticos.

Strategies to add value to your design

¿Y si crearas un personaje?

Piensa en caracterizar tu idea con el aspecto de un personaje. Crea una mascota, una cara, un emoji...

Strategies to add value to your design

¿Y si dividieras el formato en unidades menores?

Piensa en un diseño que está formado por varias piezas. Por ejemplo, un póster compuesto de varios carteles independientes.

Strategies to add value to your design

¿Y si disfrutaras del proceso?

Piensa en pasártelo bien durante la creación. Aprovecha el proceso creativo para poner en práctica algo que siempre hayas querido hacer.

Strategies to add value to your design

¿Y si lo mezclaras todo?

Piensa en combinar elementos dispares, dale rienda suelta al caos.

Strategies to add value to your design

¿Y si lo único importante fuera el concepto?

Piensa en hacer una traducción gráfica directa del concepto. Hazlo intelectual.

Strategies to add value to your design

¿Y si todo fuera plano?

Piensa en utilizar solo elementos vectoriales. Inspírate en el Material Design de Google. No uses efectos ni degradados.

Strategies to add value to your design

¿Y si te propusieras confundir al receptor?

Piensa en desconcertar al receptor. Haz que tenga que pararse a mirar para comprender lo que ve.

Strategies to add value to your design

¿Y si utilizaras repeticiones?

Piensa en serializarlo. Copia, pega, repite. Crea patrones por todos lados.

Strategies to add value to your design

¿Y si incluyeras algún elemento sensorial?

Piensa en añadir texturas y sensaciones o, incluso, intenta simular un olor.

Strategies to add value to your design

¿Y si lo hicieras institucional?

Piensa en utilizar una estética burocrática. Hazlo estricto, formal, plano.

1 of 7
Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

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Explore concepts that translate into visual elements

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Empezar de nuevo