Planning for a sustainable future

20 - 35
Planet Centric

This pack will make you think about the future of your business in regards to sustainability. Think about the long-term and how to incoporate this into your company vision.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

Get first question
Planning for a sustainable future

What if the idea focused on the long-term?

Think about designing with a vision in mind. Don’t get distracted by short-term problems. Think bigger.

Planning for a sustainable future

What if you explained how to dispose of the waste?

Think about making clear instructions on how to recycle the used parts.

Planning for a sustainable future

What if it was based on an existing ecological problem?

Think about contributing to cleaning up ecological disasters with a solution. Like shoes that are made of recycled plastic bottles found in the sea.

Planning for a sustainable future

What if you opened it to crowdsourced solutions?

Think about letting people propose their own ideas to make your project greener and sustainable.

Planning for a sustainable future

What if you gave some parts a second life?

Think about taking responsibility for your waste. Don’t leave that to your users.

Planning for a sustainable future

What if something good happened every time people use your idea?

Think about giving your idea a positive secondary use. Like a tree being planted each time someone uses an internet browser.

Planning for a sustainable future

What if you prevented most common problems?

Think about planning for potential errors and failures. Design your idea so it won’t break from standard use.

Planning for a sustainable future

What if it was an alternative to the industry?

Think about making your own standards instead of following everyone else. For example, if you are in the fashion industry, don’t release new collections every season.

Planning for a sustainable future

What if it got better every time you used it?

Think about inverting the rules. Try making something that gets better with time.

Planning for a sustainable future

What if it had a universal version?

Think about being as accessible as possible. Sustainable brands usually seem premium and exclusive. Change that perception and make your production more readily available to a mainstream audience.

Planning for a sustainable future

What if it contributed to a better future?

Think about the consequences of your actions. Create something that will help create the society and world you want to live in.

Planning for a sustainable future

What if it showed people the positive consequences of their choices?

Think about helping people see the effects of their actions. Try to focus on the positive, but you could point out some of the negative effects.

1 of 7
End session

You reached the end of the session!

Here are some other packs you might like.

Reflecting on Achievements

Consider the impact of achievements.

Business Model Improvement

Focus on how to impove how your business operates

Building Your Relationship With Users

Think about how to grow and interact with your consumer

Using associations to create a remembrance name

Design a name that your user will never forget
Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Planning for a sustainable future

¿Y si contribuyera a crear un futuro mejor?

Piensa en las consecuencias de tus acciones. Crea un producto cuyo objetivo sea crear una sociedad y un mundo en los que quieras vivir.

Planning for a sustainable future

¿Y si mejorara con el uso?

Piensa en invertir las reglas. Haz algo que, como el vino, mejore con la edad.

Planning for a sustainable future

¿Y si reutilizaras algunas partes?

Piensa en ser más responsable con los residuos que produces. No dejes esa tarea a tus usuarios.

Planning for a sustainable future

¿Y si estuviera abierto a sugerencias del público general?

Piensa en dejar que las personas propongan sus ideas para que tu proyecto sea más sostenible y respetuoso con el medio ambiente.

Planning for a sustainable future

¿Y si fuera universal?

Piensa en ser tan accesible como te sea posible. Las marcas sostenibles se conciben, a menudo, como un producto de lujo. Rompe con esa percepción ofreciendo tu producto al público general.

Planning for a sustainable future

¿Y si partiera de un problema ecológico existente?

Piensa en intentar paliar algún problema medioambiental como hacen, por ejemplo, los zapatos hechos con plásticos recuperados de los océanos.

Planning for a sustainable future

¿Y si la idea estuviera concebida para funcionar a largo plazo?

Piensa en crear algo enfocado al futuro. Que no te distraigan los problemas inmediatos, ve más allá.

Planning for a sustainable future

¿Y si explicaras cómo deshacerse de los residuos?

Piensa en proporcionar instrucciones claras que indiquen cómo reciclar las distintas partes.

Planning for a sustainable future

¿Y si previniera los problemas más comunes?

Piensa en planificar teniendo en cuenta los errores o fallos potenciales. Diseña tu idea para que no falle con el uso cotidiano.

Planning for a sustainable future

¿Y si fuera una alternativa a la industria?

Piensa en crear tus propios estándares en vez de seguir los de siempre. Por ejemplo, si perteneces a la industria de la moda, no lances una nueva colección cada temporada.

Planning for a sustainable future

¿Y si ocurriera algo bueno cada vez que se usara tu idea?

Piensa en lograr que tu idea tenga un uso secundario positivo. Por ejemplo, un navegador web que planta un árbol cada vez que alguien lo utiliza.

Planning for a sustainable future

¿Y si mostrara a las personas las consecuencias positivas de sus acciones?

Piensa en facilitar que las personas conozcan los efectos de sus actos. Procura centrarte en los aspectos positivos mejor que los negativos.

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Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

Challenging conventional formats

Turn around traditonal formats and create something unique

Exploring new conversion alternatives

Rethink new ways your user can convert

Introducing sustainable processes

Reflect on how you create your product

Reflecting on Achievements

Consider the impact of achievements.
Empezar de nuevo