Attributes to incorporate in your business

12 - 30
Business Design

This pack contains questions that explore different attributes that can make your business grow. It will hep you come up with surprising and out-of-the-box ideas and think of new offerings.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

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Attributes to incorporate in your business

What if you took your business 100% digital?

Think about transforming the context in which your business happens.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

What if you had to run with fewer resources?

Think about the essential parts and the secondary ones, but please, don't fire anyone; this is just to make you reflect.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

What if your service was only available on certain days?

Think about adding a time frame to your offer. Make it limited and exclusive.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

What if you had to reduce costs?

Think about saving money by making your service more efficient. Review your processes.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

What if you could move to opportunities immediately?

Think about having a structure, team, and business that would allow you to move quickly.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

What if your offering was timeless?

Think about creating something that doesn't depend on seasons, something that never gets old, like the watches that pass from generation to generation.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

What if you got closer to your customers?

Think about establishing deeper relationships with your users.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

What if the visible and invisible parts of your business worked seamlessly?

Think about making the front and backstage of your business work perfectly together, from shipping to storage and website.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

What if you came up in your users' daily life in a meaningful way?

Think about ways of being more relevant for your users every day. Be present in their routine.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

What if you fixed the broken parts first?

Think about improving what you have instead of launching new features.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

What if you made your business as flexible as possible?

Think about making your core business adaptable to changes, as resilient as you can.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

What if you had ten times more resources?

Think about the possibilities that would open. Imagine where you would want to grow. It may lead you to exciting new opportunities for the future.

1 of 7
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Here are some other packs you might like.

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Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Attributes to incorporate in your business

¿Y si contaras con menos recursos?

Piensa en qué es lo esencial y lo accesorio. Reflexiona sobre los elementos prescindibles. (Por favor, ¡no despidas a nadie!)

Attributes to incorporate in your business

¿Y si participaras en la rutina de tus clientes de una forma útil?

Piensa en maneras de ser imprescindible para tu audiencia en su vida cotidiana, en estar presente en su día a día.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

¿Y si contaras con diez veces más tus recursos actuales?

Piensa en las posibilidades que surgirían. En qué sentido quieres desarrollarte. Puede abrirte la puerta a increíbles oportunidades futuras.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

¿Y si hicieras que tu negocio sea 100 % digital?

Piensa en transformar el medio en el que se desarrolla tu negocio.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

Y si hicieras que tu negocio sea más flexible?

Piensa en estructurar tu negocio para que se adapte a los cambios. Haz que sea tan elástico como sea posible.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

¿Y si tu producto fuera perenne?

Piensa en crear un producto que no dependa de la temporada ni tenga un tiempo de vida limitado. Como los relojes que se heredan de generación en generación.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

¿Y si tu servicio solo estuviera disponible determinados días?

Piensa en añadir intervalos en tu oferta. Hazla limitada y exclusiva.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

¿Y si fusionaras la parte visible y la invisible de tu negocio?

Piensa en integrar perfectamente las secciones de tu negocio. Desde el almacén, al envío y la web. Como los restaurantes con la cocina a la vista del comensal.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

¿Y si dieras prioridad a arreglar lo que no funciona?

Piensa en ofrecer un producto de calidad antes de lanzar novedades.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

¿Y si redujeras costes?

Piensa en ahorrar a la vez que haces el producto más eficiente. Revisa el proceso.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

¿Y si te acercaras al cliente?

Piensa en establecer una relación más cercana con tus clientes.

Attributes to incorporate in your business

¿Y si pudieras aprovechar las oportunidades inmediatamente?

Piensa en formar una estructura, un equipo y un negocio que te permita ser versátil.

1 of 7
Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

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