Playing with the meaning of your narrative

20 - 45

This pack contains questions that will create depth to your narrative. It will make you really think in the details that form your story as a whole.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

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Playing with the meaning of your narrative

What if your story wasn’t right within the context?

Think about making the opposite of what you are expected to. Like for example, creating a naive story for adults.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

What if people were in the centre of the story?

Think about making them the centre of attention. Highlight their individuality.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

What if you hide messages?

Think about adding subliminal messages into your story.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

What if you put the focus on the small things?

Think about a detail-oriented story. It’s about the tiny little things and moments.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

What if you based it on real stories?

Think about making it documentary style, even if it’s a fake one.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

What if you used subtitles?

Think about adding a caption to your story. It could be a translation or the thoughts of your characters.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

What if you gave voice to people?

Think about letting others speak. Use your story as a safe space for others.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

What if you exaggerated everything?

Think about drama and enormous amounts of emotions.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

What if you paused time?

Think about Sofia Coppola movies. It feels like nothing happens, but still, you get hooked by enjoying the present moment.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

What if you changed the point of view?

Think about narrating it from a different person. Use the first person. Show the story from a new angle.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

What if you couldn’t use any dialogue?

Think about making it only visual or using sounds that are not words.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

What if everything in your story was a reference?

Think about replicating a famous tale your audience knows. Use details they will undoubtedly recognise.

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Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Playing with the meaning of your narrative

¿Y si lo exageraras todo?

Piensa en hacerlo todo muy dramático. Mete muchas emociones llevadas al extremo.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

¿Y si cambiaras el punto de vista?

Piensa en narrar tu historia con otros ojos. Utiliza la primera persona en vez de la tercera, muestra un ángulo distinto.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

¿Y si te basaras en historias reales?

Piensa en usar un estilo documental, aunque lo que narres sea ficticio.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

¿Y si usaras subtítulos?

Piensa en cómo jugar con los subtítulos. Por ejemplo, podrías incluir lo que piensan tus personajes.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

¿Y si pararas el tiempo?

Piensa en las películas de Sofia Coppola, en las que parece que no ocurre nada, pero que te enganchan con el disfrute del momento.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

¿Y si las personas fueran el centro de la historia?

Piensa en mostrar cómo cada persona es un individuo. Conviértelas en el centro de atención.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

¿Y si le dieras voz a quienes no la tienen?

Piensa en dejar que otros hablen. Usa tu historia para crear un espacio donde otros pueden expresarse.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

¿Y si no usaras diálogos?

Piensa en que sea solo visual o usa sonidos que no funcionen como palabras.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

¿Y si te centraras en los detalles?

Piensa en que los pequeños momentos cobren importancia. Haz que los detalles destaquen.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

¿Y si todo en tu historia fuera una referencia a algo ya existente?

Piensa en contar de nuevo una historia que todo el mundo conozca. Incluye referencias claras que no pasen desapercibidas.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

¿Y si añadieras mensajes ocultos?

Piensa en incluir mensajes subliminales en tu historia.

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

¿Y si tu historia no encajara con su contexto?

Piensa en hacer lo contrario a lo que se espera. Por ejemplo, crea una historia muy inocente para adultos.

1 of 7
Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

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