Use Some Randomness

10 - 40

This pack contains random inputs for your project. Get out-of-the-box ideas by exploring unusual paths to solve your project. You'll get very diverging prompts that you can try to connect with your project in an exciting way.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

Get first question
Use Some Randomness

What if the idea was sexy?

Think about spicing it up. Use your erotic mind to solve the problem. Make it appealing.

Use Some Randomness

What if you pranked someone?

Think about making a joke. Fool people and make them feel silly.

Use Some Randomness

What if the idea took place while people were sleeping?

Think about how to solve the problem during the night, without people worrying about it at all.

Use Some Randomness

What if the idea aged with time?

Think about adding the weight of time to your idea. Find ways of showing age.

Use Some Randomness

What if a music playlist could solve your problem?

Think about the power of music. Be creative with playlists. Find a new way of using them.

Use Some Randomness

What if the idea only worked in the present?

Think about relevant things happening at the moment that can connect with your problem.

Use Some Randomness

What if you could clone people?

Think about replicating people. But please, not Kanye West. The world is not big enough for two Kanye West egos.

Use Some Randomness

What if the idea could change the weather?

Think about how the solution could manage the natural forces and how that would affect your users.

Use Some Randomness

What if magic existed?

Think about it. It would be nice, right?

Use Some Randomness

What if the idea disappeared after some time?

Think about a solution with a short life-span. It appears and disappears as if it never existed.

Use Some Randomness

What if you made it huge?

Think about massive size ideas. A skyscraper idea. Or even bigger.

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End session

You reached the end of the session!

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Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Use Some Randomness

¿Y si tu idea fuera seductora?

Piensa en añadirle un toque seductor. Utiliza el erotismo para encontrar una solución. Que atraiga.

Use Some Randomness

¿Y si pudieras clonar personas?

Piensa en hacer réplicas de personas. De Kanye West no, por favor. El mundo es demasiado pequeño para alojar el ego de dos como él.

Use Some Randomness

¿Y si lo hicieras gigante?

Piensa a lo grande. Ideas grandes como rascacielos. O incluso mayores.

Use Some Randomness

¿Y si la idea funcionara mientras las personas duermen?

Piensa en que tu idea ocurra de noche y que nadie tenga que preocuparse.

Use Some Randomness

¿Y si la magia fuera real?

Piensa en lo genial que sería si pudieras hacer magia.

Use Some Randomness

¿Y si la idea madurara con el tiempo?

Piensa en reflejar el paso del tiempo en tu idea. Busca modos de mostrar la madurez.

Use Some Randomness

¿Y si pudieras cambiar el clima?

Piensa en una idea que pudiera modificar la climatología de un lugar y cómo afectaría a los usuarios.

Use Some Randomness

¿Y si la idea desapareciera después de un tiempo?

Piensa en una idea con un periodo de duración limitado. Desaparece como si nunca hubiera existido.

Use Some Randomness

¿Y si gastaras una broma?

Piensa en hacer una broma para quedarte con el público.

Use Some Randomness

¿Y si la idea solo funcionara en el presente?

Piensa en hechos que estén ocurriendo en el momento y que puedan relacionarse con tu problema.

Use Some Randomness

¿Y si utilizaras una lista de reproducción?

Piensa en el poder de la música. Fomenta tu creatividad con listas de canciones. Encuentra un modo nuevo de usarlas.

1 of 7
Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

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