Building Your Relationship With Users

20 - 35
Brand Strategy

This pack contains prompts that will help you define your relationship with your user. Find the best ways to connect and build trust that respond with what your user wants and needs from you.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

Get first question
Building Your Relationship With Users

What if you were nothing without others?

Think about gratitude. Depend on people. Discuss who deserves your love and express it. You are nothing without them.

Building Your Relationship With Users

What if you talked through your customers?

Think about using your users as ambassadors. Let them spread the word about you.

Building Your Relationship With Users

What if you surprised your audience?

Think about including cool surprises in your relationship with your target audience. Treat them with something when they least expect it.

Building Your Relationship With Users

What if you trusted people?

Think about giving everyone a chance. Trust they'll do good. Imagine how this might change your behaviours.

Building Your Relationship With Users

What if there were no secrets between you and your audience?

Think about transparency. Share everything with people.

Building Your Relationship With Users

What if you included people in the decisions you take?

Think about making your audience or employees part of your decision-making process. Think of them like they are part of your company.

Building Your Relationship With Users

What if you genuinely cared about people?

Think about kindness, but not like Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook cares about people. Feel it for real.

Building Your Relationship With Users

What if you never let anyone down?

Think about creating the best customer support ever. Be there whenever someone needs you.

Building Your Relationship With Users

What if you acted as a servant?

Think about having a helper mindset. You'll do everything to support people.

Building Your Relationship With Users

What if you started a gang?

Think about whom you want around you. Hang out with people who represent you.

Building Your Relationship With Users

What if you treated your clients like partners?

Think about switching terms. Place yourself on the same level. Think of every sale as a collaboration, not a purchase.

Building Your Relationship With Users

What if you were your customers' best friend?

Think about being so close to your users that you'll turn out best bros. Imagine how you can gain their trust and friendship.

Building Your Relationship With Users

What if you did things without expecting anything in return?

Think about being generous. Don't be selfish, and do good things without expecting any reactions.

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End session

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Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Building Your Relationship With Users

¿Y si entre tu audiencia y tú no existieran los secretos?

Piensa en ser transparente. Compártelo absolutamente todo.

Building Your Relationship With Users

¿Y si implicaras a más gente en la toma de decisiones?

Piensa en incluir a tu audiencia o a tus empleados en el proceso. Al fin y al cabo, forman parte de tu negocio.

Building Your Relationship With Users

¿Y si mostraras gratitud?

Piensa en depender de otra gente y muestra tu gratitud. No tengas miedo de hablar sobre quién se merece tu aprecio y exprésalo. No eres nada sin los demás.

Building Your Relationship With Users

¿Y si hablaras a través de tus clientes?

Piensa en utilizar a tus usuarios como los transmisores de tu mensaje. Conviértelos en tus embajadores.

Building Your Relationship With Users

¿Y si formaras una banda?

Piensa en las personas que quieres a tu alrededor. Relaciónate solo con las que te representan.

Building Your Relationship With Users

¿Y si sorprendieras a tu audiencia?

Piensa en incluir sorpresas que vayan a gustar a tu público objetivo. Sorprende a tus clientes cuando menos se lo esperen.

Building Your Relationship With Users

¿Y si ofrecieras tu ayuda?

Piensa en ser servicial. Haz todo lo posible por asistir a los demás.

Building Your Relationship With Users

¿Y si nunca dejaras a nadie de lado?

Piensa en crear la mejor atención al cliente de la historia. Tienes que estar presente siempre que tu audiencia te necesite.

Building Your Relationship With Users

¿Y si confiaras en la gente?

Piensa en dar una oportunidad a todos, seguro que actúan con la mejor intención. Imagina cómo afectaría a tu comportamiento.

Building Your Relationship With Users

¿Y si tus clientes y tú fuerais uña y carne?

Piensa en estrechar lazos con tus usuarios hasta que seáis como buenos amigos. Imagina cómo puedes ganarte su confianza y amistad.

Building Your Relationship With Users

¿Y si hicieras cosas de forma altruista?

Piensa en ser menos egoísta, haz el bien sin esperar nada a cambio.

Building Your Relationship With Users

¿Y si trataras a tus clientes como si fueran socios?

Piensa en cambiar las tornas. Colócate al mismo nivel que tu audiencia. Imagina que todas tus transacciones son colaboraciones en vez de compras y ventas.

Building Your Relationship With Users

¿Y si de verdad te preocuparas por la gente?

Piensa en ser amable, en preocuparte de verdad. No seas como Mark Zuckerberg y Facebook, hazlo con convicción y de forma genuina.

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Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

Introducing sustainable processes

Reflect on how you create your product

Possible formats for your project

Explore the different technology that can shift product course

How to connect with your audience

Find the best way to talk to create meaning to your followers

Giving a purpose to technology

Find new ways to give purpose to existing technology
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