Using associations to create a remembrance name

20 - 35

This pack contains prompts that will help you create unforgetable names. Get thinking about the best assotiation strategies that work.

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Using associations to create a remembrance name

What if it had a punchy feel to it?

Think about using a short and catchy sentence that will stick in people’s minds.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

What if it was a repetition?

Think about using the same word more than once. We like the indie band’s name “!!!” (read “Check Check Check”). It almost gets you dancing by just saying their name out loud.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

What if you combined two related terms?

Think about creating a new word with two elements that go well together. Use elements that make sense with your brand.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

What if it was a sound?

Think about onomatopoeias. It could be a shout of joy, like “Yahoo!” or any other sound related to your project.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

What if it was a number?

Think about using a significant date or piece of data. It could be the year your project was founded or the percentage of a certain material it uses.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

What if it was a sentence?

Think about using a short sentence instead of just one or a few words. Make it descriptive and related to your project. For example, the fashion brand “& Other Stories” used this tactic.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

What if it was a cultural reference?

Think about using pop songs, famous works of art or TV shows. Connect with your audience by referencing something they’re into.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

What if it was a system?

Think about creating a structure around your name. Like Apple’s done with its products, they always have the “i” before the name of the object they produce; iPhone, iPad, iCloud...

Using associations to create a remembrance name

What if it were two opposite words?

Think about creating a seemingly incongruous contrast by pairing two supposedly opposite terms. Imagine a vegetarian fast food chain called “Greasy veggie”.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

What if you gave it a family name?

Think about using a surname for your brand. It gives the sense of a family business and adds an element of storytelling. Like McDonald’s did.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

What if you used an object?

Think about finding an item that sums up your project’s values or attributes.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

What if you named it after your target audience?

Think about making a direct reference to your main target group. It would be like opening a new restaurant called “For Foodies”.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

What if you used a classical word?

Think about using a term from Latin or any other classical language. Look for something meaningful.

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Using associations to create a remembrance name

¿Y si fuera un sistema?

Piensa en crear una estructura en torno a tu nombre, como hizo Apple al colocar una “i” delante de cada uno de sus productos: iPhone, iPad, iCloud...

Using associations to create a remembrance name

¿Y si fuera un sonido?

Piensa en onomatopeyas. Puede ser un grito de alegría como Yahoo! o cualquier otro sonido relacionado con tu proyecto.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

¿Y si fuera una muletilla?

Piensa en utilizar una frase corta y con gancho que se pueda usar todo el tiempo.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

¿Y si le pusieras el nombre de tu público objetivo?

Piensa en dirigirte directamente a tu público. Sería como abrir un restaurante que se llamar “Para gourmets”.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

¿Y si usaras un objeto?

Piensa en un objeto que simbolice los valores o las características del proyecto.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

¿Y si fuera una frase?

Piensa en usar una frase corta en lugar de una o dos palabras. Haz que sea descriptiva y relevante con el proyecto. Por ejemplo, la marca de ropa & Other Stories [Y otras historias] usa esta estrategia.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

¿Y si fuera una referencia cultural?

Piensa en usar referencias de canciones pop, arte o series de televisión. Conecta con las personas haciendo alusión a algo que les guste.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

¿Y si utilizaras una palabra de origen clásico?

Piensa en términos en latín o en otra lengua clásica. Busca algo con significado.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

¿Y si fuera un número?

Piensa en usar una fecha o cifra significativa. Podría ser el año en el que se creó el proyecto o el porcentaje de uno de los materiales que contiene.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

¿Y si fuera una repetición?

Piensa en usar la misma palabra un par de veces, como el nombre del grupo indie !!! (que se lee “check, check, check”). Casi hace que empieces a bailar con solo pronunciar el nombre.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

¿Y si le dieras un apellido?

Piensa en utilizar un apellido para tu marca. Transmite la sensación de negocio familiar y le da una historia, como McDonalds.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

¿Y si combinaras dos términos relacionados?

Piensa en crear una palabra nueva con dos elementos que funcionen juntos. Usa elementos vinculados a tu marca.

Using associations to create a remembrance name

¿Y si estuviera compuesto por dos palabras opuestas?

Piensa en crear contraste al unir dos conceptos opuestos. Imagina una cadena de comida rápida vegetariana que se llame “Verduras grasientas”.

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Using associations to create a remembrance name

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