Finding New Business Models

20 - 35
Business Design

This pack contains prompts that will make you rethink your business model as a whole. Are you obsolete or will be soon? Focus on future trends and reflect on where you are really headed.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

Get first question
Finding New Business Models

What if all your competitors copied you?

Think about a scenario where you couldn't register your idea. Find a way of maintaining your business.

Finding New Business Models

What if your business could be a self-service?

Think about how IKEA makes its customer do part of the job.

Finding New Business Models

What if your customers didn't own your product?

Think about the new sense of property, for example, how you don't need to own the mp3 to pay for a music service.

Finding New Business Models

What if you offered a free taste?

Think about hooking your users with something they can try before they buy.

Finding New Business Models

What if your main revenue came from what powers the product?

Think about the Nespresso case. The primary product is quite cheap, but the machines are expensive.

Finding New Business Models

What if your business was a platform?

Think about connecting as a service. Link people, business, and brands, like Airbnb or Dribble.

Finding New Business Models

What if you created an ecosystem?

Think about building products or services around your existing ones, just as Apple does.

Finding New Business Models

What if your users could name the price?

Think about being open with your business model. Let your users decide on how much they want to pay.

Finding New Business Models

What if your pricing could be transparent and adaptable?

Think about offering an honest approach. You could offer different prices depending on status, background or intention.

Finding New Business Models

What if your product had to be free?

Think about Facebook. Find a way to earn money even when your users don't pay for your product.

Finding New Business Models

What if you franchised it?

Think about opening your business to others.

Finding New Business Models

What if you gave back part of your revenue?

Think about giving something in return. It doesn't have to be money.

1 of 7
End session

You reached the end of the session!

Here are some other packs you might like.

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The pack to start thinking about monetisation

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Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Finding New Business Models

¿Y si dejaras que los usuarios establezcan el precio?

Piensa en tener un modelo de negocio abierto. Deja que los usuarios decidan cuánto quieren pagar.

Finding New Business Models

¿Y si tu negocio fuera una plataforma?

Piensa en mediar, conecta a personas, empresas o marcas. Toma como ejemplos a Airbnb o Dribble.

Finding New Business Models

¿Y si ofrecieras una muestra gratuita?

Piensa en captar clientes ofreciéndoles la posibilidad de probar el producto antes de comprarlo.

Finding New Business Models

¿Y si tus clientes no fueran dueños de tu producto?

Piensa en el nuevo concepto de propiedad. Ya no necesitamos tener un disco para escuchar una canción porque existen servicios de música.

Finding New Business Models

¿Y si tus precios fueran transparentes y flexibles?

Piensa en realizar una propuesta justa. Puedes ofrecer tarifas diferentes en función del poder adquisitivo de tu cliente, de su contexto o de la finalidad.

Finding New Business Models

¿Y si crearas un ecosistema?

Piensa en crear productos o servicios que estén relacionados con los que ya tienes en el mercado, como hace Apple.

Finding New Business Models

¿Y si ofrecieras tu producto gratis?

Piensa en Facebook. Busca la forma de ganar dinero incluso si los usuarios no pagan por el producto.

Finding New Business Models

¿Y si lo convirtieras en una franquicia?

Piensa en abrir tu negocio a otros.

Finding New Business Models

¿Y si tu negocio fuera un autoservicio?

Piensa en cómo IKEA consigue que el cliente haga parte del trabajo.

Finding New Business Models

¿Y si todos tus competidores copiaran tus ideas?

Piensa en una situación en la que no tuvieras la posibilidad de registrar tus ideas. Busca una forma de mantener tu negocio.

Finding New Business Models

¿Y si repartieras parte de tus beneficios?

Piensa en dar algo a cambio. No tiene por qué ser dinero.

Finding New Business Models

¿Y si tu principal fuente de ingresos fueran los accesorios del producto?

Piensa en Nespresso. Su producto principal es barato, pero las cafeteras son caras.

1 of 7
Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

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Design for the human values of tomorrow

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