This pack contains our most disturbing, fun and deep collection of prompts. If you are looking to something that gets you out of your comfort zone when creating ideas, this is your pack. Use the questions here to scape from common ideas and get wild with these existencial prompts.
Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.
Think about codes and ways of expressing things that are unique to your problem. It doesn’t have to be a spoken language, it could also be graphic or made out of sounds.
Think about how difficult it’s to find the best time for things: for a photo, travelling, cooking, reading... Help finding those perfect moments.
Think about letting people say what they think about an idea, service or product. Let them talk and review.
Think about informing people about bad things before they happen. Act like a personal guard for them.
Think about the Matrix. Tell people everything is fake, an illusion. We are only dreaming.
Think about using symbols, faith or even your own Bible. Create a movement.
Think about making loyalty an idea or a goal. Create ways of devoting to it.
Think about making your target group feel like they have super powers. Make them feel invincible.
Think about how it would be for people to experience life from someone else’s perspective.
Think about representing minutes, hours and years in a new way. Play with the feeling of time passing by.
Think about a perfect scenario. Life is good, pleasant and without problems.
Think about supporting and advising people about their future.
Think about things that make us feel small and insignificant.
Here are some other packs you might like.
Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.
Piensa en ofrecer asesoramiento y apoyo de cara a su futuro laboral.
Piensa en hacer que tu público objetivo sienta que tiene superpoderes, que son invencibles.
Piensa en cómo alertar de una amenaza antes de que se produzca. Actúa como sifueras un guardaespaldas.
Piensa en representar los minutos, horas y años de una forma nueva. Juega con la sensación del paso del tiempo.
Piensa cómo sería vivir la vida desde la perspectiva de otra persona.
Piensa en códigos y maneras de expresar conceptos que son exclusivos de tu idea. No tienes por qué usar sonidos, puede ser un lenguaje gráfico.
Piensa en Matrix. Dile a las personas que todo es falso, una ilusión. Que solo estamos soñando.
Piensa en las cosas que nos hacen sentir pequeños e intrascendentes.
Piensa en lo difícil que es determinar el momento adecuado: para hacer la foto, para viajar, para cocinar, para leer...
Piensa en hacer de la lealtad un objetivo o que la idea gire en torno a ella.
Piensa en permitir que las personas comenten qué les ha parecido una idea, un servicio o un producto. Deja que hagan una evaluación y la expresen.
Piensa en un escenario perfecto. La vida es bella, agradable y sin problemas.
Piensa en utilizar símbolos, promover la fe o crear tu propia biblia. Crea un movimiento.
Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.