Using social behaviours in your favour.

20 - 45

This pack contains questions that will make you reflect on how users interact and engage with you to enable smart oportunities for your business. Empower your consumer and achieve your coversion goals.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

Get first question
Using social behaviours in your favour.

What if you appealed to the common good?

Think about highlighting why the choice will make a certain community—or the world, better.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

What if you could convey some sense of ownership?

Think about making the users feel they own the product already. Let them picture themselves with it.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

What if you made people feel you’re on their side?

Think about making them know you care. Be genuine.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

What if you could do something good for people?

Think about being properly nice or helpful. Do or provide something without asking anything in return.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

What if you added something truly memorable?

Think about enhancing the experience by making something happen that people will definitely remember.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

What if you helped the person feel less guilty?

Think about reducing the stress of making certain decisions. Some choices are emotionally charged.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

What if you made people believe they deserve it?

Think about making them feel good about treating themselves. Help them to see they are making the right decision.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

What if you gave it some personality?

Think about adding emotion and personality to a dull process, event or product. Surprise people with a human approach.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

What if you appealed to the senses?

Think about creating a sensorial experience. Unleash the power of sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. Combine two or more if possible.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

What if you gave some emotional assurance?

Think about supporting your users emotionally. Clear their doubts by showing empathy.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

What if you highlighted the emotional benefits?

Think about the intangible advantages. Health, love and happiness could be much more important than cold facts.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

What if you got people in the right mindset beforehand?

Think about predisposing the person to a certain feeling or thought. Pick the feeling you want them to experience and use design to your advantage.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

What if you dramatised what the person might lose?

Think about the fear of missing out. Get people to consider what they would miss out on if they don’t seize this opportunity.

1 of 7
End session

You reached the end of the session!

Here are some other packs you might like.

Deep Ideas for Projects

Get surprising prompts to create mind-blowing ideas

Designing a Tone of Voice

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Planning for a sustainable future

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Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Using social behaviours in your favour.

¿Y si transmitieras una sensación de propiedad?

Piensa en hacer que las personas sientan que ya poseen el producto. Haz que se vean con él.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

¿Y si ofrecieras consuelo emocional?

Piensa en ser un apoyo emocional para tus usuarios. Despeja sus dudas mostrando empatía.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

¿Y si hicieras que las personas sientan que se lo merecen?

Piensa en hacer que se sientan bien por darse un capricho. Ayúdalas a ver que están tomando la decisión correcta.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

¿Y si le dieras personalidad?

Piensa en darle emoción y personalidad a un proceso, evento o producto insulso. Sorprende a las personas con una perspectiva más humana.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

¿Y si pudieras hacer algo bueno por las personas?

Piensa en ofrecer tu ayuda y ser amable de verdad. Ofrece algo sin pedir nada a cambio.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

¿Y si apelaras al bien común?

Piensa en destacar por qué la decisión hará que se beneficie una comunidad concreta, o el planeta en general.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

¿Y si exageraras lo que se pierden?

Piensa en sacarle partido al miedo a quedarse atrás. Hazles saber lo que se van a perder si no aprovechan la oportunidad.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

¿Y si añadieras algo inolvidable?

Piensa en mejorar la experiencia haciendo que ocurra algo que las personas no olvidarán.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

¿Y si apelaras a los sentidos?

Piensa en crear una experiencia sensorial. Aprovecha el poder de la vista, el oído, el tacto, el olfato y el gusto. Combina dos o más si fuera posible.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

¿Y si hicieras que las personas se sintieran menos culpables?

Piensa en reducir el estrés de tomar determinadas decisiones. Algunas elecciones conllevan una carga emocional.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

¿Y si preparases el estado mental ideal?

Piensa en predisponer a las personas hacia determinado pensamiento o sensación. Elige qué quieres que sientan y utiliza el diseño para conseguirlo.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

¿Y si destacaras los beneficios emocionales?

Piensa en las ventajas intangibles. La salud, el amor y la felicidad pueden ser mucho más importantes que los factores objetivos.

Using social behaviours in your favour.

¿Y si hicieras que las personas sintieran que estás de su parte?

Piensa en mostrarles que te importan. Hazlo con sinceridad.

1 of 7
Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

Incentives to engage with your audience

Motivate your user and make them engage

Introducing sustainable processes

Reflect on how you create your product

User Experience Ideas for Services

Put the user on the centre with this pack for services

Product Or Service Purpose

Learn ways to make current products or services way better for your user
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