Human-Centric Based Innovation

Human Centric

This pack contains questions that will impact the growth of your customer empahsasing the bigger questions we have in our every-day life.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

Get first question
Human-Centric Based Innovation

What if the idea made people’s lives easier?

Think about solving some of their day to day problems.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

What if you helped people make decisions?

Think about easing the process of deciding between options. Provide people with tools to make decisions effortlessly.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

What if the idea helped people self- develop?

Think about solutions that could help your audience develop in every aspect of their lives. From health, to habits, to relationships with others.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

What if you emphasised the important things in life?

Think about making fun of common worries that don’t matter that much. At the end of the day, it’s all about love, friends, family and health.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

What if the idea inspired people?

Think about how people could be left with a sense of hope and amazement.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

What if the idea made people feel safe?

Think about creating a safer environment for people.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

What if you gave people power to decide?

Think about how your audience could get responsibility on your project. Maybe they could make the big decisions. Or maybe they could have full control.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

What if the idea helped people find their true selves?

Think about ways of empowering self-discovery.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

What if the idea helped people reflect?

Think about ways of making people think and be more self aware. Feelings, thoughts, learnings.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

What if the idea helped people express their emotions?

Think about creating ways for people to express when they feel sad, happy or worried.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

What if the idea relaxed people?

Think about giving people a break from the stress of modern life.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

What if the idea made people feel loved?

Think about a solution that would spread the love among your users. Make them feel special and included.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

What if the idea made people happy?

Think about how you could increase people’s level of happiness. Help create a better world.

1 of 7
End session

You reached the end of the session!

Here are some other packs you might like.

Strategies to create an attractive name

Prompts that will help you come up fresh and smart ways to name your project

Possible formats for your project

Explore the different technology that can shift product course

Personal Development

Reflect on your growth and development.

Planning for a sustainable future

Generate a vision for sustainability
Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Human-Centric Based Innovation

¿Y si hicieras más fácil la vida de las personas?

Piensa en resolver algún problema diario.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

¿Y si resaltaras las cosas importantes de la vida?

Piensa en reírte de las preocupaciones comunes que no tengan mucha importancia. Al fin y al cabo, todo se resume en amor, amigos, familia y salud.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

¿Y si ayudaras a tomar decisiones?

Piensa en hacer que decidir sea un proceso sencillo. Proporciona las herramientas necesarias para que cueste menos esfuerzo.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

¿Y si la idea ayudara a relajarse?

Piensa en cómo proporcionar un descanso del estrés que provoca la vida moderna.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

¿Y si ayudaras al crecimiento personal?

Piensa en soluciones que permitan a tu audiencia mejorar en distintos aspectos de su vida, desde salud y hábitos hasta relaciones interpersonales.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

¿Y si hicieras que la gente se sienta segura?

Piensa en crear un ambiente seguro para las personas.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

¿Y si hicieras que la gente se sienta querida?

Piensa en una solución que haga que tus usuarios se sientan queridos, especiales e incluidos.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

¿Y si ayudaras a que la gente exprese sus emociones?

Piensa en crear formas para que las personas se expresen cuando se sienten tristes, contentas o preocupadas.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

¿Y si dejaras que fuera tu audiencia quien decida?

Piensa en cómo tu público podría ser responsable de tu proyecto. Quizás podrían tomar las decisiones más importantes o, incluso, tener el control total.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

¿Y si hicieras feliz a la gente?

Piensa en cómo podrías aumentar el nivel de felicidad de las personas. Ayuda a crear un mundo mejor.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

¿Y si la idea fuera inspiradora?

Piensa en cómo animar e infundir conocimientos nuevos.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

¿Y si ayudaras a las personas a encontrarse con ellas mismas?

Piensa en formas de favorecer el autodescubrimiento.

Human-Centric Based Innovation

¿Y si ayudaras a las personas a reflexionar?

Piensa en formas de hacer que las personas piensen y se analicen. Puedes tratar sentimientos, reflexiones, lecciones...

1 of 7
Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

Incorporating ecological values to your business

Create ethical soultions that reach the core of your business

Strategies to create an attractive name

Prompts that will help you come up fresh and smart ways to name your project

Defining Your Brand Vision

These prompts will help you look at your brand in a holistic way

Exploring new conversion alternatives

Rethink new ways your user can convert
Empezar de nuevo