Taking human behaviors as a reference

12 - 30
Machine Learning

This pack contains prompts that will make you think about human emotions and actions to apply in machine learning. These prompts will make you think about real-life possible scenarios it can learn from or simply replace.

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Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

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Taking human behaviors as a reference

What if it imitated human thought?

Think about copying the way we approach situations. Give a human touch to the service.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

What if it made something fair to all individuals?

Think about justice. Use machine learning to make the world a bit better place. Look for equality.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

What if it replaced your boss?

Think about having an intelligent system that takes the role of your boss or team’s leadership. Some people would be very happy to see that happening.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

What if it could detect bias?

Think about using machine learning to identify prejudices and fix potential discrimination issues.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

What if it decentralised decisions?

Think about moving decisionmaking closer to where it has an impact. It’ll speed up processes.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

What if it learned from people’s networks?

Think about connecting different inputs and data from your community. Learn from your colleagues, users or friends.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

What if it did what’s best for everybody?

Think about choosing the option that’s most beneficial for a whole group. It’s not about individuals, but rather the wellness of the community.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

What if it could understand people’s psychologies?

Think about having detailed knowledge of people’s behaviours and ways of thinking. Use it to offer each of them the perfect solution.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

What if it allowed people to overcome human limitations?

Think about helping people to do something they can’t. For example, enabling them to do more than one thing at a time.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

What if it was a joy to interact with?

Think about a service people could fall in love with. That’s right, like the movie “Her” but without hiring Scarlett Johansson.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

What if it observed people’s reactions?

Think about a service that focused on seeing how people react to a certain situation. For example, when they use a product/service.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

What if it could interact with many people at the same time?

Think about simultaneously engaging with multiple users. Don’t leave anyone waiting. Automate responses and conversations.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

What if it acted as a support for people?

Think about offering a helping hand in any problematic time a user might face using a particular service.

1 of 7
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Taking human behaviors as a reference

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Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Taking human behaviors as a reference

¿Y si asistiera a las personas?

Piensa en ofrecer ayuda cuando se encuentren ante problemas al utilizar un servicio concreto.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

¿Y si hiciera lo que es mejor para todos?

Piensa en llegar a la mejor opción para el grupo. Lo importante no es el individuo, sino el bienestar de la comunidad.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

¿Y si observara la reacción de las personas?

Piensa en un servicio que se centrara en ver cómo reaccionan las personas ante una situación en concreto. Por ejemplo, cuando usan un producto o servicio.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

¿Y si pudiera comprender los procesos mentales?

Piensa en tener un conocimiento profundo sobre el comportamiento de las personas y sus formas de pensar. Utilízalo para ofrecer soluciones a medida.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

¿Y si ampliara las limitaciones humanas?

Piensa en ayudar a las personas a hacer algo que no pueden, como hacer varias cosas simultáneamente.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

¿Y si aprendiera de tu comunidad?

Piensa en utilizar distintas fuentes y datos de tu red. Aprende de tus compañeros, usuarios o amigos.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

¿Y si descentralizara las decisiones?

Piensa en hacer que el momento de la decisión y cuando esta surte efecto estén lo más cerca posible para lograr que el proceso sea más rápido.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

¿Y si sustituyera a tu jefe?

Piensa en disponer de un sistema inteligente que asuma el papel de tu jefe o superior. Seguro que a muchos les gustaría que se hiciera realidad.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

¿Y si fuera un placer interactuar con él?

Piensa en un servicio que las personas terminaran amando. Sí, como en la película Her, pero sin Scarlett Johansson.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

¿Y si pudiera interactuar con varias personas a la vez?

Piensa en conectar con varias personas a la vez sin dejar esperando a nadie. Automatiza respuestas y conversaciones.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

¿Y si pudiera detectar los prejuicios?

Piensa en utilizar la inteligencia artificial para detectar los prejuicios y solucionar los problemas de discriminación.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

¿Y si hiciera algo justo para todos los individuos?

Piensa en la justicia. Usa la inteligencia artificial para hacer del mundo un lugar algo mejor.

Taking human behaviors as a reference

¿Y si imitara el pensamiento humano?

Piensa en copiar la forma en la que reaccionamos ante situaciones. Dale un toque humano al servicio.

1 of 7
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