Ways to engage with your audience

15 - 30

This pack contains questions that explore different ways of connecting with your audience. If you are looking for a surprising and out-of-the-box ideas to reach your users this is the collection of cards you need.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

Get first question
Ways to engage with your audience

What if the idea happened in public spaces?

Think about bringing your ideas to the streets and public buildings. Use big places.

Ways to engage with your audience

What if the idea was extremely cheap to produce?

Think about spending as little money as possible to produce the idea.

Ways to engage with your audience

What if the idea was super local?

Think about finding a solution that could only work in a specific location. Use the local culture.

Ways to engage with your audience

What if the value lied in being original?

Think about making something genuine and true. Make it your priority.

Ways to engage with your audience

What if you turned something difficult into something easy?

Think about the hard parts of your problem. Make them easy for people and turn them to your advantage.

Ways to engage with your audience

What if the idea simplified a process?

Think about improving the how. Sometimes, the only thing a good idea needs is to work effortlessly.

Ways to engage with your audience

What if the value lied in storytelling?

Think about building a good story around your idea. Tell it in a new way, make it engaging and relevant.

Ways to engage with your audience

What if people had to come back daily to the idea?

Think about offering daily exercises, different rewards or giving something for the people to use every day.

Ways to engage with your audience

What if you used a funny tone of voice?

Think about ways of making fun of something. Joke about your problem. Joke about the idea itself.

Ways to engage with your audience

What if the idea had to be extremely easy?

Think about the least complicated solution ever. No more than one step. Make it super simple.

Ways to engage with your audience

What if the access to the idea was limited?

Think about restricting the number of people that can use the solution. Create expectations.

Ways to engage with your audience

What if you made a quiz?

Think about asking questions and making your idea a competition. Be as simple/complex as you want to be.

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End session

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Here are some other packs you might like.

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Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Ways to engage with your audience

¿Y si la idea tuviera un coste muy bajo?

Piensa en reducir los costes al máximo para producir tu idea.

Ways to engage with your audience

¿Y si el acceso fuera limitado?

Piensa en reducir el número de personas que puedan usar tu producto. Crea una lista de espera. Genera expectativas.

Ways to engage with your audience

¿Y si el valor recayera en la originalidad?

Piensa en algo genuino y auténtico. Haz que esos valores sean tu prioridad.

Ways to engage with your audience

¿Y si usaras un tono de voz divertido?

Piensa en cómo hacer algo de forma informal. Ríete de tus problemas. Bromea con tu idea.

Ways to engage with your audience

¿Y si la idea fuera muy local?

Piensa en una solución que solo se pudiera usar en un sitio en concreto. Usa la cultura local.

Ways to engage with your audience

¿Y si la idea fuera muy sencilla?

Piensa en la solución más fácil de todas, que no tenga ninguna complicación, que sea lo más sencilla posible.

Ways to engage with your audience

¿Y si utilizaras espacios públicos?

Piensa en llevar tu idea a calles y edificios públicos. Usa espacios amplios.

Ways to engage with your audience

¿Y si el valor recayera en la narrativa?

Piensa en construir una buena historia para tu idea. Hazla relevante y que enganche.

Ways to engage with your audience

¿Y si la idea simplificara el proceso?

Piensa en mejorar el cómo. A veces, lo único que necesita una buena idea es que funcione sin esfuerzo.

Ways to engage with your audience

¿Y si hicieras un concurso?

Piensa en hacer preguntas y lanzar tu idea como una competición. Puede ser tan simple o tan elaborada como quieras.

Ways to engage with your audience

¿Y si convirtieras algo difícil en algo fácil?

Piensa en las partes complicadas de tu problema. Simplifícalas y conviértelas en ventajas.

Ways to engage with your audience

¿Y si engancharas a las personas?

Piensa en ofrecer algún incentivo para que tu público vuelva cada día; podrían ser diferentes ejercicios o premios.

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Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

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