Technology based on positive human change

20 - 35

This pack contains prompts that will make you think about the problems humans are experiencing today. Ideate possible products and solutions that respond to these and help modern civilisation progress.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

Get first question
Technology based on positive human change

What if the idea pushed for gender equality?

Think about ideas that would also help reduce the gap between men and women.

Technology based on positive human change

What if the idea treated internet addiction?

Think about making people take a break from the internet.

Technology based on positive human change

What if your audience was responsible for the distribution of the solution?

Think about your users like ambassadors. Let them spread the message.

Technology based on positive human change

What if the idea updated regularly?

Think about app updates and the idea that everything keeps on improving. Try to include that philosophy in your idea.

Technology based on positive human change

What if the idea was easily hackable?

Think about ways your audience could customise the solution by themselves. Let them find new ways of using your idea.

Technology based on positive human change

What if a robot did the hard work for you?

Think about using technology to make our lives easier. A robot won’t complain.

Technology based on positive human change

What if you built a personal assistant?

Think about digital ways of helping people with automatic tasks.

Technology based on positive human change

What if the idea gave in-depth knowledge?

Think about providing substantial information about a topic. No superficial or short pieces, but very thoughtful and contrasted content.

Technology based on positive human change

What if the idea helped people understand their city?

Think about showing data or information in a way that is useful to understanding how our cities work. It could be about traffic, shops, services, population, etc.

Technology based on positive human change

What if you saw age as just a number?

Think about the new meanings of age and how young and old people are defined by their values and philosophy of life, not their age.

Technology based on positive human change

What if you used mental health techniques?

Think about meditation, yoga and wellness. Develop a solution to your problem using those trends.

Technology based on positive human change

What if the idea battled the filter-bubble?

Think about how to break the wall that Facebook and Google built between us and the free internet. Give unexpected results to your audience.

1 of 7
End session

You reached the end of the session!

Here are some other packs you might like.

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Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Technology based on positive human change

¿Y si crearas un asistente personal?

Piensa en formas de ayudar a las personas automatizando tareas.

Technology based on positive human change

¿Y si la idea curara la adicción a internet?

Piensa en cómo hacer que la gente invierta menos tiempo en la red.

Technology based on positive human change

¿Y si apostaras por la igualdad de género?

Piensa en ideas que permitan reducir la diferencia existente entre hombres y mujeres.

Technology based on positive human change

¿Y si una máquina hiciera el trabajo duro por ti?

Piensa en usar la tecnología para hacer nuestras vidas más fáciles. A un robot no se le cansa la vista ni le duele la espalda.

Technology based on positive human change

¿Y si evitaras el efecto burbuja?

Piensa en cómo destruir el muro que Facebook y Google han construido entre nosotros y el internet libre. En vez de mostrar siempre los mismos contenidos, ofrece resultados inesperados a tu audiencia.

Technology based on positive human change

¿Y si fuera fácil de hackear?

Piensa en formas de que tus usuarios puedan personalizar la solución por sí mismos. Permíteles encontrar otras formas de usar tu idea.

Technology based on positive human change

¿Y si ayudaras a la gente a entender la ciudad?

Piensa en mostrar información de forma que ayude a entender el funcionamiento de la ciudad. Podría enfocarse en temas de tráfico, tiendas, servicios, etc.

Technology based on positive human change

¿Y si actualizaras la idea de forma regular?

Piensa en las actualizaciones de las apps que usamos y en la idea de que todo va evolucionando. Intenta introducir este principio en tu idea.

Technology based on positive human change

¿Y si tu público fuera el responsable de la distribución de la solución?

Piensa en tus usuarios como embajadores. Déjales que difundan el mensaje.

Technology based on positive human change

¿Y si ofrecieras conocimiento en profundidad?

Piensa en divulgar información sustancial sobre un tema concreto. No te limites a las generalidades, analiza un tema de forma profunda y contrastada.

Technology based on positive human change

¿Y si vieras la edad simplemente como una cifra?

Piensa en darle nuevos sentidos a la edad. La gente se define por sus valores y filosofía de vida, no por sus años.

Technology based on positive human change

¿Y si usaras técnicas de salud mental?

Piensa en la meditación, en el yoga y en el bienestar. Desarrolla una solución al problema usando esas prácticas.

1 of 7
Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

Taking your idea into different situations

Translate your ideas into unimaginable scenarios

Positive Messaging

Discover a new optimistic focus

Ways to engage with your audience

Learn new ways to connect with your user

Reflecting on Achievements

Consider the impact of achievements.
Empezar de nuevo