Community Based Products

20 - 40
Human Centric

This pack contains prompts that will make you think about your community as a whole. The questions of this deck will guide you to ideate on solutions that will bring people together.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

Get first question
Community Based Products

What if the idea was about empathy?

Think about using someone else’s shoes. Make people feel what others feel.

Community Based Products

What if the idea let people donate?

Think about taking an opportunity to do good with your solution. It could be a side effect, a good extra feature.

Community Based Products

What if you could communicate with your target audience?

Think about ways of building an easy communication channel with your target group. Talk and get closer to them.

Community Based Products

What if the idea helped people find romance?

Think about connecting people by helping them find meaningful interactions.

Community Based Products

What if the idea was to call someone?

Think about who would that be. Solve the problem by reaching out to someone.

Community Based Products

What if you used the local community?

Think about involving neighbours and local shops. Make it friendly and engaging.

Community Based Products

What if the idea helped people connect with their roots?

Think about letting people re-discover their city’s/country’s stories, the places where they belong.

Community Based Products

What if the idea brought people together?

Think about how the solution could connect people, make them talk, share and enjoy together.

Community Based Products

What if people could interact with experts?

Think about ways of making it easier to reach experts in your problem’s area. Let people talk to them.

Community Based Products

What if the idea only worked with the user’s friends?

Think about a solution that uses circles of friends. Use the connection and trust between them to solve your problem.

Community Based Products

What if the idea promoted culture?

Think about ways of using music, arts, literature and theatre in your solution.

Community Based Products

What if you made people feel like locals?

Think about helping people integrate better in cities. Give them advice about real experiences, non-typical places and important local information.

Community Based Products

What if you created a community?

Think about how a club or community can help you solve your problem.

1 of 7
End session

You reached the end of the session!

Here are some other packs you might like.

Finding New Business Models

Explore different ways your business can operate

Building Your Relationship With Users

Think about how to grow and interact with your consumer

Attributes to incorporate in your business

Look for exciting new ideas and attributes to add to your business

Business Resilience

Rethink your business for the current crisis
Start Again

Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Community Based Products

¿Y si crearas lazos entre la gente?

Piensa en cómo la solución puede conectar a las personas, hacer que hablen, compartan y disfruten juntas.

Community Based Products

¿Y si ayudaras a la gente a encontrar el amor?

Piensa en facilitar la creación de relaciones profundas entre las personas.

Community Based Products

¿Y si la idea consistiera en llamar a alguien?

Piensa en quién sería esa persona. Resuelve el problema poniéndote en contacto con alguien.

Community Based Products

¿Y si te basaras en la empatía?

Piensa en ponerte en la piel de los demás. Haz que la gente sienta lo que sienten los otros.

Community Based Products

¿Y si crearas una comunidad?

Piensa en cómo un club o una comunidad pueden ayudarte a solucionar el problema.

Community Based Products

¿Y si la gente pudiera entrar en contacto con expertos?

Piensa en establecer formas sencillas de comunicación entre tus usuarios y los expertos en tu campo. Tiende puentes entre ellos.

Community Based Products

¿Y si la idea promoviera la cultura?

Piensa en formas de usar la música, el arte, la literatura o el teatro en tu propuesta.

Community Based Products

¿Y si la idea solo funcionara con los amigos de tus usuarios?

Piensa en una solución que se centre en el círculo de amigos. Usa esa conexión y confianza entre ellos para resolver tu problema.

Community Based Products

¿Y si permitieras a la gente hacer una donación?

Piensa en dar la oportunidad de hacer una buena acción con tu solución. Podría ser una consecuencia de la idea o una característica adicional.

Community Based Products

¿Y si ayudaras a la gente a conectar con sus raíces?

Piensa en ayudar a que la gente pueda redescubrir la historia de su ciudad o país de origen.

Community Based Products

¿Y si involucraras a la comunidad local?

Piensa en incluir a los vecinos y negocios de la zona. Hazlo de forma amigable y significativa.

Community Based Products

¿Y si hicieras que las personas se sientan parte de la ciudad?

Piensa en ayudar a la gente a integrarse mejor en las ciudades. Recomiéndales experiencias y sitios que no sean típicos. Ofréceles información local importante.

Community Based Products

¿Y si te pusieras en contacto con tu público objetivo?

Piensa en maneras de construir canales de comunicación directa con tus clientes potenciales. Háblales, acércate a ellos.

1 of 7
Terminar sesión

¡Has llegado al final de la sesión!

Aquí hay otros paquetes que te pueden gustar.

Finding a Concept for your Story

Look for concepts that can help your story come to life

Using different types of data

Prompts that aim to make you think abour data possibilities

Playing with the meaning of your narrative

Full of prompts that will make really twist the way you tell your story

Attributes to incorporate in your business

Look for exciting new ideas and attributes to add to your business
Empezar de nuevo