Exploring Narrative Structure

20 - 45

This pack contains prompts that make you imagine scenarios that will ignite ideas for the stucture of your story. The questions will guide you to ideate unconvential solutions to make your story stand out.

Let's Get Started

Remember that all ideas are welcome.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible.
You'll have time to filter them later.

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Exploring Narrative Structure

What if someone else told the story?

Think about changing the narrator. Use a third person that isn’t involved with the story directly.

Exploring Narrative Structure

What if your story developed in real time?

Think about telling your story as you create it, like live news.

Exploring Narrative Structure

What if you focused on the secondary characters?

Think about shifting the attention to the least significant characters of the story.

Exploring Narrative Structure

What if you divided your story into mini-stories?

Think about distributing your piece in many short ones.

Exploring Narrative Structure

What if you didn’t tell the whole story?

Think about having holes in the story. Hide a character or an essential part of it.

Exploring Narrative Structure

What if you turned the whole story into a monologue?

Think about having just one person telling the story in a row.

Exploring Narrative Structure

What if your story was restricted by law?

Think about censorship. Imagine the government didn’t let you realise the story.

Exploring Narrative Structure

What if you told the story backward?

Think about revealing the end before the beginning.

Exploring Narrative Structure

What if you let chaos take over?

Think about craziness.

Exploring Narrative Structure

What if you built the story collaboratively?

Think about compiling material from different people. Give them the freedom to express whatever they want.

Exploring Narrative Structure

What if you created tension?

Think about building expectations and climax. Manage the pace so it feels like something is about to happen.

Exploring Narrative Structure

What if your story jumped back and forth in time?

Think about re-structuring the traditional narrative line. Confuse the spectator with a disorganised structure, and have it make sense in the end.

1 of 7
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Recuerda que todas las ideas son bienvenidas.

Intenta generar tantas ideas como sea posible.
Tendrás tiempo para filtrarlas más tarde.

Obtén la primera pregunta
Exploring Narrative Structure

¿Y si incluyeras saltos temporales?

Piensa en saltarte la narrativa tradicional. Despista al espectador con una estructura no lineal que solo cobre sentido al final.

Exploring Narrative Structure

¿Y si convirtieras tu historia en un monólogo?

Piensa en que solo conozcamos la historia a través de la narración de un único personaje.

Exploring Narrative Structure

¿Y si construyeras tu narrativa de forma colaborativa?

Piensa en reunir material de distintas personas y en darles libertad creativa.

Exploring Narrative Structure

¿Y si contaras la historia de fin a principio?

Piensa en desvelar el final antes de mostrar el comienzo.

Exploring Narrative Structure

¿Y si dejaras que otra persona cuente tu historia?

Piensa en contar tu historia desde el punto de vista de un narrador atípico. Usa a alguien que no participa en los acontecimientos.

Exploring Narrative Structure

¿Y si crearas tensión?

Piensa en crear expectativas, gestiona bien el ritmo para que parezca que algo va a ocurrir en cualquier momento.

Exploring Narrative Structure

¿Y si no lo contaras todo?

Piensa en dejar vacíos en tu historia. No muestres un acontecimiento o a un personaje esencial.

Exploring Narrative Structure

¿Y si dejaras que el caos mande?

Piensa en la entropía.

Exploring Narrative Structure

¿Y si te centraras en los personajes secundarios?

Piensa en colocar el foco en los personajes menos importantes de tu historia.

Exploring Narrative Structure

¿Y si tu historia ocurriera en tiempo real?

Piensa en contar tu historia a medida que va ocurriendo, como si fuera una retransmisión en directo.

Exploring Narrative Structure

¿Y si tu historia estuviera restringida por la ley?

Piensa en la censura. Imagina que el gobierno no te dejara contar tu historia.

Exploring Narrative Structure

¿Y si dividieras tu historia en pequeñas historias?

Piensa en fragmentar tu narrativa en distintos relatos.

1 of 7
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